Blocked Sewer Reconstruction

Our customer was having regular problems with tree roots growing into the sewer line causing blockages in the old earthenware sewer line.

It's possible to manage this by running a drain clearing nozzle down the pipe each year to prevent blockages. In this case the customer decided the best option was to fix the problem for good by installing a new PCV line.


We provided an upfront fixed price quote to cut out the tree root affected section of sewer line and replace the old earthenware pipes with a brand-new PVC sewer line.

Joining PCV to ceramic pipe
Joining PCV to ceramic pipe02

We also used concrete to join both the connections between the new PVC sewer line and the old earthenware pipes. This was done to both add strength and prevent the tree roots from returning via the joins.

Creating the new sewer line 01
Creating the new sewer line

Once we installed the new section of pipework we backfilled the excavation, raked up and cleaned away all the rubbish leaving the garden nice and neat for out customer. 

Cleaning up after sewerline install

As with all constructions we offer a 10 year guarantee on any pipework we install.

If you’re experiencing similar issues or have a blocked drain please feel free to give us a call on 0423 859 686 for a free upfront quote.
